BAXI Boilers gave us a great opportunity to create 3 10 second TV Idents for them. These would bookend a variety of home improvement programmes across a number of channels, giving BAXI some great exposure to new markets.
The brief was easy.
The key word was 'EASY'. How could we show a variety of home improvement tasks made to look easy?
A quick tug on the wallpaper and it all comes off in one go. - EASY.
Pulling a cloud away so solar panels are warmed by the sun - EASY.
Lifting the hinged roof of your house to lay new insulation - EASY.
I brought in the expertise of the people at WONKY FILMS to bring the ideas to life. We had a tight budget (as always), an even tighter deadline, an established visual style, and many hoops to jump through to get them up and running.
As a finishing touch I composed and recorded the music score for the ads.
EASY, really.